

I'll have a double.

As the Census (hopefully) winds down
Now is the time to pause and reflect
On what this experience has taught.

Belvedere vodka tastes good in a frozen martini glass

& Morning too.

Bloody Bulls are part of a healthy food group

NEVER EVER EVER work for the government.

My show opened last week, and we discovered, It's A Comedy!

We (the company) always have a good time
but were never sure what the reaction would be.
It's been gratifying.
Not only am I lucky enough to be working
with three wonderful actors who enjoy the journey each night
But I get to play an SOB.
What a pleasure.

So I'll take the $$ till the end.
I believe both events close June 20.
Then off to visit Mother.

so this might be one of the last blogs
At least about this subject.

If you've enjoyed it, Thanks

If not, screw you

Bonne Vie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From LCO 2128 (AKA 'The Big Smile' in the central third of Maine - stretching from the Atlantic to our western mountains), they who shall not be named have announced that our work is to be repeated. The regional office in Boston does not believe that one-third of the original NRFU (Non-Respondent Follow Up) addresses were for vacancies and deletions (demolitions, non-residential, the meth lab blew up.) NRFU Redux is to be named VD. Is this VooDoo or a class of disease? Maine is Vacationland! Can you guess why many addresses on our lakes and rocky coast may have been vacant on April 1? In this economy, can you guess why many apartments had been converted to storage eighteen months into this recession? So, prepare my hardy enumerators to do battle once more with the landlords and property managers who love you so. When will VD begin? Who will be chosen? Will the hard-earned contacts and notes you extraordinary secret agents uncovered be returned? Who knows? But, VD on your resume may be just the ticket to exciting new opportunities. The show must go on.